Vision becomes a reality
The original packaging for Royall Family fragrances reveals Mr. Gaade’s desire to maintain the island of Bermuda as a central theme for his product. The handsome packaging is reminiscent of the Bermuda of old; the bottles are of semi-hand-made glass from original clay molds with antimonial pewter-colored lead crown caps. Molded on each bottle is a crown and lime cluster with the words "ROYALL LYME" and on the bottom of the bottle "ROYALL LYME LIMITED". | Each bottle has the fragrance name and crown in raised glass on the back, with a stunning and distinctive colored label on the front, individually wrapped in fine parchment with a crown wax seal made with the same wax used by the Bank of England. Quality standards of care and attention to detail are found in every piece.
Mr. Gaade’s original vision persevered through the years, and is still maintained today. The essence and spirit of Bermuda, a sparkling jewel and garden paradise, reside in every Royall product. Mr.Gaade says, “In the Royall Family Fragrance, we believe we have a truly unique range of prestigious gentlemen’s toiletries and grooming aids directed to the discerning user and carrying the Bermuda message overseas.” |

Royall Lyme, an instant success
Royall Lyme was heartily endorsed by former Bermuda Governor, Sir Edwin Leather and was presented to the British Royal Family on their last official visit to Bermuda. | When Royall Lyme was introduced at Brooks Brothers New York in 1960 it became an unqualified smash hit, and the fragrance is still sold there today. Not long after, Royall Lyme went international to London, Milan, and beyond. |

Anthony J Gaade
And so it was that Mr. Gaade, a renowned Bermudian yachtsman and competitor in international races—through vision and tenacity—brought the very first Royall fragrance to market in 1957. Royall Lyme fragrance is made from the plumpest, freshest, native West Indian limes, nurtured and washed by pure island rains. | The recipe traces its origins to a very old Caribbean formula obtained from Harbor Islanders, comprised of rare essences totaling 78 ingredients. The resulting Royall Lyme fragrance is cool, zestful, and refreshing, as perfect for work as it is for play. |

Jewel in the atlantic
Bermuda, known as a “Jewel in the Atlantic” and a “String of Pearls, is a semi-tropical paradise where there is romance, adventure, history, culture, civility, excitement, and a rich Anglo-African heritage come together—not to mention pristine beaches, pink sand, turquoise seas, iridescent lagoons, verdant landscapes, candy-colored homes, breath-taking sunrises, fabulous sunsets, and brilliant, aromatic flora. | It is no surprise that Mark Twain wrote, “You go to heaven if you want—I’d rather go to Bermuda.” From Eleanor Roosevelt and Eugene O’Neill to Michael Douglas and David Bowie, many more have flocked to the paradise, including Mr. Anthony Gaade, founder and first president of The Royall Family of Fragrances, who felt the need to capture the essence and spirit of Bermuda in a fragrance line of aromatic products to share with the island and the rest of the world. |